INFO-ATARI16 Digest Wed, 24 Jan 90 Volume 90 : Issue 92 Today's Topics: Atari Lynx deserves to do well Atari TT: Threat to IIcx? Drive question Facts, not only talking a GNU-Emacs 18.55, binary patch #1 PCB-layout poolfix2 - doesn't recognize my TOS Technical Documentation ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 24 Jan 90 19:28:57 GMT From: sdcc6!sdcc13! (Some call me...Tim) Subject: Atari Lynx deserves to do well Message-ID: <> In article <> (BENTLEY BH - ECONOMICS) writes: >In article <> writes: > I Have a suggestion for Atari to consider. Remember how Pepsi supports > the Gameboy. How about Atari getting in contact with Coke marketing and > Show the world that a better product also supports a better tasting > beverage. ... They already have a deal with HI-C. There's a sweepstakes where the first prize is an Atari Lynx, entry forms on HI-C boxed drinks. Isn't HI-C a Coke company? ------------ Tim Mensch ------------------------------ Date: 24 Jan 90 11:57:00 GMT From: mcsun!sunic!tut!ra!! (Harri Valkama LAKE) Subject: Atari TT: Threat to IIcx? Message-ID: <> In article <840@fozzy.UUCP> hendrick@fozzy.UUCP (Bill Hendricks) writes: >As a loyal ST'er, I wanted to pass along the following: >What follows is a quote from Macintosh News, January 15 1990, >"The Mac's Factor" by Rick Doherty (page 13)... > >--- Begin quote --- > >ATARI TT: THREAT TO IIcx? > > Still, Atari is not well known for successful >U.S. distribution. Indeed, while the TT labored >through FCC testing in December, it was shipping >in volume in Europe. There, the machine is >already a favorite of German industry and could >impact Mac sales in a country that is already >below other European companies in per capita >Mac sales. Stateside, Atari's lackluster distri- Hey you Germans! Is it true that you have TT shipping there? I don't believe that you have. But if yes that's great. Could you please confirm this anyway so that we here in Finland could put the pressure at our Atari importer. -- ----------------Harri Valkama ( University of Vaasa, Finland anonymous ftp site ( PC and Mac directories ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 90 09:53:39 GMT From: mcsun!ukc!dcl-cs!gdt! (P E Smee) Subject: Drive question Message-ID: <> In article <1343@cybaswan.UUCP> csko@cybaswan.UUCP (y w ko) writes: >>In article <1871@mrsvr.UUCP> krieg@jupiter.UUCP (Andrew Krieg) writes: >>>I have had this weird quirk in my ST system ever since I got it (3 years ago) >>>and I am wondering if it is normal. I have a 520 ST, a single sided disk and >>>a double sided disk. The double sided disk is drive A and the single sided >>>disk is drive B. Whenever I access drive A, drive B spins also. Should this > >It happens to me as well, but its the other way round. ie. > access B --> A spins, access A --> B doesn't spin. > >Just wondering, is this phenomenon by any chance the result of the fact >both drives are sharing the same power supply? or may be because they >are (not properly) daisy-chained? There is only one 'motor on' control line from the ST, which goes to both the drives. Many drives will turn the motor on on receipt of a 'motor on' signal, even if they are not currently selected. (Previously, I would have said 'all drives', because I've never seen one that didn't, but sounds like there must be some.) The theory seems to have to do with (a) allows a disk driver to spin the disk up before selecting it, and (b) means that if you are copying from one disk to the other, both can be left spinning which will be faster than having to keep bringing one or the other back up to speed. Sounds, though, like there is some manufacturer's mech which has its internal logic set so that it will ignore 'motor on' unless the drive is selected. ------------------------------ Date: 24 Jan 90 18:11:53 GMT From: cica!!samsung!!!utgpu!w atserv1!watdragon!tiger! (Steven W. Klassen) Subject: Facts, not only talking a Message-ID: <> In article <> (Barry Lay) writes: >probably because they came from same place. The concern I have with getting >along without the developers toolkit is twofold, however. Firstly, how do you >know that you can trust the information in those generally available books to >be correct and applicable to all releases of the TOS? Secondly, how do you >build resource files without the RCS? I managed to create object trees in a >program from the PROGEM notes, but that is a very time-consuming way to do it >compared to the program in the toolkit. 1) Who to trust is a good question. I haven't had any problems with the info given in the MWC manual, so far. Virtually any good compiler (for whatever language) should include in its docs how to access Atari's systems calls (usually through 'special' functions provided with the compiler). 2) To build resource files you need a resource compiler. I believe there is something like this included with MWC but I've never bothered to use it (most of my time is spent with various data structures and data bases; I haven't spent too much time working on the specific end-user details like icons, alertss and dialog boxes). Some of the other C compilers may also include something like this (any comments from those that have used them?). Steven W. Klassen +-----------------------------+ Computer Science Major | Support the fur! | University of Waterloo +-----------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 90 18:44:53 GMT From: mcsun!unido!sbsvax! (Edgar Roeder) Subject: GNU-Emacs 18.55, binary patch #1 Message-ID: <> Oops! I forgot to patch two bytes in the relocation area. I hate those last minute patches before the program is even out to the net. Here is the correct(ed) patch: --------------------- cut here --------------------- #include main() ? int fd; short patch_area[16]; char ch; if((fd = Fopen("temacs",2)) < 0) return(1); Fseek(232092L, fd, 0); Fread(fd, 28, patch_area+1); if(patch_area[1] == 0x40E7) ? Cconws("Patch #1 already applied\r\n"); goto patch_2; ? patch_area[0] = 0x40E7; patch_area[15] = 0x4E77; Fseek(-28L, fd, 1); Fwrite(fd, 32, patch_area); Cconws("Patch #1 applied\r\n"); patch_2: Fseek(380732L, fd, 0); Fread(fd, 1, &ch); if(ch != 0x08) ? Cconws("Patch #2 already applied\r\n"); return(0); ? Fseek(-1L, fd, 1); ch = 0x0A; Fwrite(fd, 1, &ch); Fseek(+3L, fd, 1); ch = 0x10; Fwrite(fd, 1, &ch); Cconws("Patch #2 applied\r\n"); Fclose(fd); return(0); ? -- Mail: Edgar R\"oder E-Mail: Liesbet-Dill-Stra\ss e 3 D-6602 Dudweiler -o- -o- W-Germany ~ Phone: 06897/74643 '---' ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 90 19:13:39 GMT From: mcsun!sunic!tut!uta!! (Markku M?enp??) Subject: PCB-layout Message-ID: <> My friend needs a PCB-layouting program. He has 520 ST (1 meg), mono mon, 48 meg HD. He has access to various laserprinters (mac, PC). Any good ones out there (auto-route is nice) ? If I get enough answers I shall summarize. Thanks in advance, MM. (email : ------------------------------ Date: 24 Jan 90 14:15:23 GMT From: att!dptg!lzsc!hcj@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (HC Johnson) Subject: poolfix2 - doesn't recognize my TOS Message-ID: <1235@lzsc.ATT.COM> In article <1888@gmdzi.UUCP>, kloppen@gmdzi.UUCP (Jelske Kloppenburg) writes: > The POOLFIX2.PRG writes to my Screen (you have to read very fast): > > This GEMDOS needs the pool patch, but > this program doesn't recognize this TOS > > I have ROM TOS 1.4 from my local (german) ATARI dealer. > 1. use poolfix3 2. put it in the auto folder as the FIRST one. This works for me. Howard C. Johnson ATT Bell Labs =====NEW address==== att!lzsc!hcj ------------------------------ Date: 23 Jan 90 23:04:09 GMT From: mcsun!hp4nl!bsovax! (Albert van der Horst) Subject: Technical Documentation ( Message-ID: <563@bsovax.UUCP> >In article 8371 of >RON SHARP writes >.A part time developer has a choise: develop on a machine which has all >the information available for $30 at any computer book store, or $300 >for a stack of photocopies from Atari. Is the situation that bad on the other side? We buy for example "Das Grosse ATARI ST Profibuch" (editor SYBEX) It will set you back more than $30 (90 mark or so) but it means 800 pages of solid information. (Ever heard of the "Deutsche gruendlichkeit"). Not the way it should be or was meant, but how it _is_, tested by German hackers. Unbelievable what they cram on just _one_ page. The Dutch translation costs f100,- (dutch guilders). Has this 14M country more Atari's than the english speaking world? I would think not. I do not know the ISBN number of the German version, but here is the ISBN number of the dutch version: Jankowski, Reschke and Rabich Het complete ATARI ST boek ISBN 90-5160-152-2 If you do not want to learn Dutch or German, you may push for a translation.... There is also a new book that is only about mass storage on the Atari, I wonder whether the people at Atari would get the information together in this form, if they tried. (Do not have the title etc. at hand now) Disclaimer : I am not affiliated with the autors or the editor, just that one of my friends is mad about this book, that is (I admit) even better than the 3 or 4 books about the ST I have. Albert van der Horst USENET : uunet!mcsun!hp4nl!bsovax!albert SNAIL MAIL : BSO/AT, P.O. 8052 RB, 3503 RB UTRECHT, The Netherlands ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V90 Issue #92 ****************************************